
National Taipei Institute of Technology (NTIT) was established at the current address of the National Taipei University of Technology and is widely considered to be one of the best industrial schools in Taiwan, having had a substantial impact on the nation's industrial development. Our department has grown substantially over the last few years, and now includes two distinct institutes: Institute of Mechatronic Engineering and Institute of Manufacturing Technology.

Under President Chang's wise leadership, our school was converted to the National Taipei Institute of Technology with 4-year programs, and later upgraded to the National Taipei University of Technology. We cherish these achievements and strive to uphold our four core goals: honesty, simplicity, concentration, and hard work. The Mechanical Engineering Department will actively work to follow the mid- and long-termplans of the school so as to ensure the potential for excellent results.

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As part of our efforts, we have three core goals: research, teaching, and providing services. We have worked hard to develop the department into a true Mother of Industrial features, cultivating researcher professors to bring us to the forefront of the world-wide academic community. Our departments' faculty consists of excellent researchers who can tackle basic and applied scientific research with ease. As part of our mid-term plan, we are looking to partner with our alumni to both further our own goals as well as create better opportunities for them. We also plan to utilize the internet and other forms of multimedia technology to create an interactive lifelong education system that keeps our students up to date with the modern world.

In addition to our research andteaching goals, we also strive to provide our students with an all-around education that cultivates strong morals and a wide field of vision. In light of Taiwan joining the WTO, this goal has become even more important, as we seek to facilitate closer intercommunication between Taiwan and the rest of the world. Additionally, we have sought to establish academic partnerships between Taiwan, Mainland China and overseas to carry out mutual support and international exchange programs. We are also looking to bring remote education technology to the Mechanical Engineering Department at NTUT, allowing us to meet the highest standards.

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With all of these efforts combined, we remain confident of our ability to become the best in the world. Through our wise leadership, history, geography, alumni and more, we look forward to an exciting future with unlimited potential.